Account: Analytic Default All Move Lines
Account: Analytic Default All Move Lines
Account: Analytic Default All Move Lines
by Vertel AB
Customer Relationship Management
Technical Name
Analytic Default rules aren't applied on line ids on a account move, so typically tax lines that odoo generates which aren't in the invoice line tab. This module changes that, now Analytic Default rules are applied to these kinds of lines as well
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Account Analytic Default All Move Lines

Changes the behaviour of account analaytic default rules

Analytic Default rules aren't applied on line ids on a account move, so typically tax lines that odoo generates which aren't in the invoice line tab. This module changes that, now Analytic Default rules are applied to these kinds of lines as well.

Have also changed it so that analytic tags aren't removed when calulating analaytic default rules. So it just keeps adding.